Hough on Education!

Stephen Hough on Music Education

While your child’s music education is of strong interest to most parents, it is also a great frustration that when tough economic times are here, the Music programs seem to get cut first.

I wondered for a long time about the British music education programs. The reason is that whenever I am in London, I am constantly amazed at the high quality level of British performers. Whether I go to an orchestra concert, or a chamber music concert, or listen to a singer, I am astounded about the very high standards of performance capability by British performers, young and older.

This week, I found an interesting article by one of my favorite pianists, Mr. Stephen Hough. Stephen’s recordings have been reviewed here previously. However, Stephen Hough is not only a concert pianist; his varied daytime interests also include theology, art, hats, puddings… and writing about them.  

If you’d like to learn more about music education issues in Europe, you can read about it here, as it appeared recently in the British Telegraph:

Here is Stephen Hough playing and talking about Rachmaninoff’s 2nd Piano Concerto:

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