On Music Education!

On Music Education!

Just yesterday I was thinking how fortunate my grandkids are! Why, you ask? Because I see my kids and their respective spouses providing all these marvelous education opportunities for my grandkids in all fields of learning! And if I am still around, I’ll remind my grandkids how caring and supportive their parents were…

While I see examples of opportunities in having the youngsters learn sports, such as soccer, baseball, and Karate, I want to talk today about their education in Music:

In my day, a child was fortunate to be able to take lessons in an instrument. If s/he was lucky, s/he got a reasonable teacher, rather than a stiff, know-it-all adult with no clue on how you teach a child anything. Today, of course, kids are a lot smarter, and I see my children and their spouses do some amazing things for my grandkids. My daughter-in-law shared with me some astounding tools and opportunities that she uses:

One of my grandsons is following the “Orff approach” in his music training. Very interesting. This method is named after composer Carl Orff, who is so well known today, because he composed Carmina Burana. Yet another area with which Orff is associated is music education. Find out more about all this here:

This same fortunate grandson is also following the so-called “Ta Titi” system as he learns all about rhythm in music. And he really has a great time with it. See the details here

The above Ta Titi system is part of the “Kodaly Method”. Zoltan Kodaly was a Hungarian composer, and he introduced additional and very interesting methods that support the Orff method, mentioned above. Click here for more on the Kodaly Method.

Have a look at the results these little kids are able to achieve! Click below to hear more…

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