A Musical “War Horse”…

Yea… we have heard some music so often, yet when it is performed by an expert, it remains a magical experience.

During the summer of 1838, Felix Mendelssohn wrote to his longtime friend and collaborator Ferdinand David: “I should like to write a violin concerto for you next winter. One in E minor runs through my head, the beginning of which gives me no peace.”

Indeed, it would not give him peace for another six years, when he at last found time and inspiration during his busy concert schedule to complete it. He consulted David regularly throughout the composition process regarding violin technique and, ever the perfectionist, continued to make minor adjustments to the concerto unto its premiere in Leipzig on March 13, 1845.

Composed at the height of Mendelssohn’s brilliant career, the concerto became an instant classic and remains one of the cornerstones of the repertoire.

Here is Yitzhak Perlman to play this music for you:

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