Beethoven’s Piano Sonata #31

I read somewhere that the key of A-Flat was the key of consolation. And from the collection of 32 sonatas by Beethoven, the composer’s #31 is a wonderful example of that statement.

The first movement begins with a prayer-like theme, marked con amabilita(amiably) and sanft (German for gently or softly).

The gentle atmosphere of the opening movement is followed by a vigorous scherzo, which takes its themes from two German folksongs. Then comes a coda of chords, at first imposing and gradually decreasing in intensity and tempo until the movement draws to a close with a broken chord in the bass in quiet but not entire settled F major.

The final two movements of the work are seemingly one: The Arioso, whose hushed, sobbing chords are followed by a solemn, operatic recitative, and then the fugue, which rings out as if announcing a rebirth.

Here is pianist Andras Schiff who plays this amazing music for you:

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