Sviatoslav Richter Plays Bach

Johann Sebastian titled his collection of Preludes and fugues “Das Wohltemperirte Clavier”. The book is dated 1722 and was composed in Köthen, essentially for the youth who desired to learn music, including those who were already proficient in the study of music. Bach crafted the second book roughly 20 years after the first book, titled “The Well-Tempered Clavier – Part Two” in Leipzig.

This collection is regarded as one of the best works in the vast history of classical music. No other book from the Baroque era has been so thoroughly scrutinized, cherished, and performed.

Although Bach’s collection was not essentially published during his lifetime, multiple copies and manuscripts were spread all across Europe by his pupils. Contemporary musicians like Beethoven and Mozart also got hold of these manuscripts, in turn influencing the pathway of Western music. The whole collection was published almost 51 years after Bach’s death.

Here is one amazing interpreter, the late pianist Sviatoslav Richter to perform the first of these Preludes and Fugues for you:

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